I love to sleep. Once I am asleep, I can stay that way FOREVER. It could be why I have such a hard time getting up in the morning.
Today is the Day
Anxiety affects my perspective around work. If I take a break to eat lunch, I am slacking off. Why does my brain seem to think I should work all of the time?
The Two Worlds of Military Deployment
I never realized how having my husband deployed would change my life. The idea is that I have one foot in the present and the other in the future when my husband comes home. I was alone in that, and then the pandemic. The world was trying to figure out what to do.
Snoozing Can Help Your Day
I am a snooze-a-holic. I don’t think that is a word, but it should be. I enjoy hitting the snooze button and rolling over for a few extra minutes of sleep.
Routine Eases Anxiety
I never realized how much routine mattered to me. There is something so peaceful about knowing what you will do that day and how you will accomplish those things. It soothes my anxiety.
The Lies that Bind Us (Part 1)
I was that person. Supposedly successful (although I never felt I was) and always busy. I was trying to do it all, whatever that meant. What I learned is that I was killing myself.
Keep Your Social at a Distance
I don’t generally like it when someone tells me I can’t do something. It starts out with confusion and quickly degrades to rebellion, especially with something new like social distancing.
It’s a Mess
The world is in a state of anxiety all day, every day. It’s a mess. And the feelings of uncontrollable anxiety are threatening to overwhelm me everyday.
Strike a Pose
I have never been a morning person. Now with COVID mornings are the worst. Nothing has changed, the death toll is rising daily, and I just want to stay in dream land where there is no COVID and my husband is home with me.
Ginger Snaps
A chance encounter at the grocery store got me thinking about the comfort in finding what makes us feel better. And if we can’t find that one item, being open to alternatives.