This idea of normal is so pervasive in our society. I wonder, is there such a thing as ‘normal’? And is there a ‘normal’ brain?
Why is Everything so LOUD?
There are so many things that PTSD can effect in our lives. One of those things surprised me. That was how loud the world is. Especially now that I don’t drink. It is so very LOUD.
Purposeful Brain Resilience: Power of Words
I don’t know about everyone else, but I am tired of having that voice inside my head telling me that I am no good. And so, I am doing something about it. I am changing that dialogue.
Blah Days and Yoga-ing
Ever have one of those days? Those days that you are feeling blah? That you can’t think your way out of a paper bag? Yeah, I had several of those. It was downright annoying. Eventually I got out of it. It took a lot, but I did it.
Dreams Tell Us Things, If We Listen
What could a dream about vampires tell me about myself? I thought I knew, but it was much deeper than what I initially thought.
Staring Contest with Myself
That staring contest with myself is an interesting picture of what I have been doing my whole life. This past year has been the first time I can really stare at myself without the overwhelming urge to turn away. I haven’t liked what I saw staring back at me for a long time.