Triggers (Are) Was My Normal

Triggers (Are) Was My Normal

I had that moment recently when I realized I am living within my triggers. It is a reactionary way of living based upon fear and abuse. I don’t want to live based on triggers anymore.

The (Dys)-Functionality of Family

The (Dys)-Functionality of Family

Having written about my dysfunctional family I didn’t realize how dysfunctional they were. As I read through the signs of dysfunctional families I am awed by what I went through.

The (Family) Ties that Bind

The (Family) Ties that Bind

There are instances, such as mine, that blood relations do not mean family. Being bound through blood to two abusive people is not the family I would have chosen.

From Darkness to Affirmations

From Darkness to Affirmations

I don’t want to ever be ‘Before Times Talia.’ One of the methods I use are positive affirmations. Trying to turn the negative self-talk into positive self-care talk.

World Introvert Day! That’s a Day for Me!

World Introvert Day! That’s a Day for Me!

Introverts tend to be misunderstood. We can sometimes by moody, we like being alone, and silence isn’t uncomfortable for us. On January 2nd I celebrated what makes me an amazing introvert for World Introvert Day.