Random Thoughts About Stuff

Random Thoughts About Stuff

I have a holiday-induced introvert hangover, but I still had to write. Writing is how I get through things like an introvert hangover. But I could barely focus, so I did what I could and dug up some old random thoughts.

Isolation of Depression

Isolation of Depression

Tis the season to be…depressed and anxious? Wait, that is not how any of those songs go. But it happens and is happening this year too. The depression spirals out of control and into the darkness I go.

Writing What I Know

Writing What I Know

I never wanted to write about my childhood abuse. I wanted to write cool novels that people would love. Who would read about childhood abuse? And what would I have to offer? It turns out more than I thought.

Spiraling into Darkness

Spiraling into Darkness

I didn’t know I would write about this, my spiraling into darkness. I had plans to write something else. But that is what depression and anxiety do – it takes over and changes your plans.

Disrupted No More

Disrupted No More

It is never too soon to try, learn, or do what you have always wanted to do. As an adult survivor of childhood abuse and trauma, I am starting to do things I could not do as a child.