The universe works in mysterious ways. I have been having a creativity block or something. However, poetry has always come easier to me, so that is what I will do for the next two blog posts – poetry.
What Happened to All My Words??
Is it writer’s block? Maybe. It’s more that I don’t have the focus for a full length blog post. What do I do? I write poetry that’s what. Why that is my go to answer to my brain block, who knows?
To My Hubs & His Neverending Support
As the holiday season continues to bear down upon me (and all who struggle this time of year), I am very thankful for my hubs, keeping me steady on my wobbly days.
Recovering Alcoholics Secret Handshake
Recovering alcoholics are part of a club. Although I am not sure most of us feel that way, we should. We should be proud of what we have done.
Defending My Sobriety
I wasn’t exactly expecting celebratory streamers…okay, maybe I was. I was about to embark on an arduous task. Where were my cheerleaders?
The Loneliness of Recovering from Alcoholism
Recovering from alcoholism can be lonely, and there were times when I needed that. I needed to be alone to work through everything that was going on within myself.
Everyone Loves the Life of the Party
I hid my alcoholism for so long because I was high-functioning. People don’t want to spend time with alcoholics or their perception of alcoholics, but if you are high-functioning, you are the life of the party.
The Slow Descent to Sobriety
This is my story of being a recovering alcoholic. I am three years sober; this was not my first time trying to be sober. However, this is the time that it stuck.
My Art is in a Virtual Art Show!
My art is in a virtual art show! This exhibit is all about mental health awareness through art. Art is a powerful bridge between the world within and the world outside.
Learning to Love Sober Life
I used only to have one birthday month, and now I have two. The first one is my actual birth month, August, and my second birth month is when I stopped drinking, December. So this December marks three years of sobriety.