As my family’s scapegoat, everything was my fault. I was the sacrificial lamb or goat in this case. I was someone to blame for the ills of the family. And to “protect” the family, I had to be destroyed. Clearly, that did not work.
Choices Were Made
I believe people choose to be good or bad, abusive or not. It is extremely disappointing to watch the wrong choice being made. It was certainly devastating to me.
Stealthy Self-Care Tactics on Turkey Day
Finding some alone time during the holidays can be challenging. I have found a few stealthy self-care tactics that have worked for me when I need a few moments to breathe.
Disrupted No More
It is never too soon to try, learn, or do what you have always wanted to do. As an adult survivor of childhood abuse and trauma, I am starting to do things I could not do as a child.
Escaping Abusive Parents: Yes, You Can
Growing up in an abusive home taught me to be a victim. It took an enormous amount of spark to leave my abusive home. But I did it with the help of people who weren’t afraid to stand up with and for me.
Is My Family Dysfunctional?
Is my family dysfunctional? Well, mine is, definitely. But what does having a dysfunctional family mean? And how can you tell if your family is dysfunctional? How does it affect us into adulthood?
Am I Bruno?
I am working on sobriety, weekly therapy sessions, and on medication. And yet no one asks about any of my journey. Why is that? Are other’s ashamed of my journey? Am I Bruno?
The Reality of Narcissistic Parents
Having one narcissistic parent is bad enough (I guess), but having two narcissistic parents, well, that is, well, hard. My needs went unmet and unheeded to serve their needs.
Rest Peacefully, My Friend
I hadn’t spoken to L in years. Her death has effected me on a level that surprised me. I think her lifelong struggle with addiction may have contributed. I guess this is when people say ‘she lost her battle with her demons.’ I guess.
Narcissists Main Weapon – Projection
My parents yielded many abusive weapons. I don’t think one was worse or more detrimental than the other. But projection was the one from which I will be recovering from for a long while.