Sigh. Another rejection email came in the other night. It’s okay though. I know I am doing what I am supposed to – write. And I will keep going.
Picking Up the Pieces
Seeing a moment of clarity and knowing you can walk down a different path. And in that moment when greet change with the right amount of skepticism and hope. And that hope overrides the skepticism and prepares you for the hard work ahead.
Shouting Quietly: Writing as an Introvert
Writing. It is somehow in my DNA. Even though I ignored that part of myself for many years. Stating (and writing) that I am a writer. It is key in leaning into my future.
My Poetry Challenge to Myself
The universe works in mysterious ways. I have been having a creativity block or something. However, poetry has always come easier to me, so that is what I will do for the next two blog posts – poetry.
What Happened to All My Words??
Is it writer’s block? Maybe. It’s more that I don’t have the focus for a full length blog post. What do I do? I write poetry that’s what. Why that is my go to answer to my brain block, who knows?
To My Hubs & His Neverending Support
As the holiday season continues to bear down upon me (and all who struggle this time of year), I am very thankful for my hubs, keeping me steady on my wobbly days.
Recovering Alcoholics Secret Handshake
Recovering alcoholics are part of a club. Although I am not sure most of us feel that way, we should. We should be proud of what we have done.
Defending My Sobriety
I wasn’t exactly expecting celebratory streamers…okay, maybe I was. I was about to embark on an arduous task. Where were my cheerleaders?
The Loneliness of Recovering from Alcoholism
Recovering from alcoholism can be lonely, and there were times when I needed that. I needed to be alone to work through everything that was going on within myself.
Everyone Loves the Life of the Party
I hid my alcoholism for so long because I was high-functioning. People don’t want to spend time with alcoholics or their perception of alcoholics, but if you are high-functioning, you are the life of the party.