I wasn’t exactly expecting celebratory streamers…okay, maybe I was. I was about to embark on an arduous task. Where were my cheerleaders?
The Loneliness of Recovering from Alcoholism
Recovering from alcoholism can be lonely, and there were times when I needed that. I needed to be alone to work through everything that was going on within myself.
Everyone Loves the Life of the Party
I hid my alcoholism for so long because I was high-functioning. People don’t want to spend time with alcoholics or their perception of alcoholics, but if you are high-functioning, you are the life of the party.
The Slow Descent to Sobriety
This is my story of being a recovering alcoholic. I am three years sober; this was not my first time trying to be sober. However, this is the time that it stuck.
Learning to Love Sober Life
I used only to have one birthday month, and now I have two. The first one is my actual birth month, August, and my second birth month is when I stopped drinking, December. So this December marks three years of sobriety.
I Wish You Hadn’t Stopped Drinking
Yet again I found myself at a loss for words when faced with the horrible things people say to be people in recovery. This is one those.
Awareness Beyond A Month
May was mental health awareness month. Excuse my snarkiness on this month of awareness. Every day is mental health awareness for me. I work on my mental health every single day. And that should be true for everyone.
No Matter Where I Am
I am in Eastern Europe on a riverboat cruise. It is the ever continuing journey of who am I now? And how do I live my best life?
It’s April! Be Aware of Alcohol
April is Alcohol Awareness Month. Huh. I am VERY aware of alcohol. It’s everywhere. I can’t get away from it even though I want to.
Reworking Life’s Puzzle Pieces
Finally on a path of healing I am reworking my life’s puzzle pieces. Because that is life, right? All these little pieces to fit together. It is never too late to start reworking those pieces.