How I Stopped Negative Self-Talk

How I Stopped Negative Self-Talk

The first step to stopping negative self-talk is identifying how much it affects your life. For me, the negative chatter was a constant companion. It was affecting my daily life a lot more than I realized.

My Fawning “Yes Brain”

My Fawning “Yes Brain”

Anxiety shows up in many different ways for different people. One of my ways is saying Yes to everything. It is a survival tactic for dealing with trauma. Except I don’t need it anymore.

Introducing Snarky the Snark Dog

Introducing Snarky the Snark Dog

I used to think I was just snarky and that it gave me an edge. I guess back in the day; I thought it made me cool. Now it just gets in the way. But there is a reason for it. I just had to dig deep enough to figure it out.

Why Am I A People-Pleaser?

The attachment to an abusive caregiver that starts as an infant continues through a child’s young life. At least that was my experience. I remember having a strong need to maintain and protect the relationship I had with my caregiver.

Anxiously Brave

Anxiously Brave

Bravery and being brave is an interesting concept to me. It is a concept that is portrayed in movies and on the media as this brash, loud, and pronounced interaction. It usually involving males and lots of muscles.