Introversion is My Superpower

Introversion is My Superpower

I am quiet and introspective. I am an introvert. Hear me roar (quietly)! There are so many benefits to being an introvert. It’s time we celebrate our uniqueness. We make the world go around, after all.

World Introvert Day! That’s a Day for Me!

World Introvert Day! That’s a Day for Me!

Introverts tend to be misunderstood. We can sometimes by moody, we like being alone, and silence isn’t uncomfortable for us. On January 2nd I celebrated what makes me an amazing introvert for World Introvert Day.

Introvertism: The (not so) New Superpower

Introvertism: The (not so) New Superpower

Being an introvert has saved me time and time again. I look back on my life, and I know that I would not be where I am without my introverted superpowers. Sure, I have had some slips, trying to fit into a world that values extroverts more than introverts.