What brings me joy? I don’t know. Why are questions like that so difficult? That is the first question I have to answer on the first day of this self-reflection journey and it’s the most difficult one.
Compromising Myself for Love?
Compromise happens all the time. There are compromises that you don’t have to think about and ones that take a bit more time to ponder. And then, you have to factor in the reason for the compromise. So that is an essential piece of compromise too.
I Am A Writer
Sigh. Another rejection email came in the other night. It’s okay though. I know I am doing what I am supposed to – write. And I will keep going.
Where Have All the Rainbows Gone?
I wondered what the world would be like without rainbows. I think it would be very boring. But some people are afraid of rainbows. So this poem is about what happened to the rainbows. And how they came back. Because one thing I know, rainbows always come back.
What Exactly is Depression?
Depression is different for each person. For scientists to study and treat depression, first, it must be defined. What exactly is depression?
Self-Medicating is a Bad Roller Coaster
Medication provides a way to calm the storm so that you can batten down the hatches. I know this, yet here I am, outside during a storm trying to keep all my shit from flying away.
It’s All About Choice
Choice. It’s a word that packs a lot of power. When I have choices, I feel better about myself and the world around me. The ability to choose the people in my life is no different. I want to be around people who celebrate me.
It’s Just One Night: Minimizing Life
I grew up making myself small. That included minimizing my experiences, especially if it was something positive. I thought it was because I grew up in an abusive home, but as I entered the world, I realized that everyone minimizes themselves and their experiences.
Shouting Quietly: Writing as an Introvert
Writing. It is somehow in my DNA. Even though I ignored that part of myself for many years. Stating (and writing) that I am a writer. It is key in leaning into my future.
What Happened to All My Words??
Is it writer’s block? Maybe. It’s more that I don’t have the focus for a full length blog post. What do I do? I write poetry that’s what. Why that is my go to answer to my brain block, who knows?